That was one of the most challenging thing I have ever done so far – photos for Kern AG!
What was the task?
I had to make photos of the new equipment Kern bought. They want to use the photos for newsletters and post it on the website.
What did I deliver?
The photo I uploaded here is a version of how I would post process the photo. Of course this could be too artistic – so I delivered a smoother version too!
Why was it one of the most challenging tasks?
No space! No good perspective! Nowhere where I could position my tripod!
What did I do?
Not much – I just did whatever I could to make the photos look good. With some of the photos I worked with heavy vignetting because there was so many disturbing elements for the eye in the background.
Is post processing really that important?
In my opinion the answer is yes. I have an OK photograph but there is nothing I can do to get a better shot. So, the only option to set up the scene is to post process the photo that I get at least a great photograph.
I was asked by another company to shot their machines and production too! I hope they have more room for me…