I recently did some recon around my area because I was hosting some photographers form the United States. I decided to go for a different experience and went to the Caves of Beatus at the lake Thun. They are at the left side if you would circle the lake Thun from the photo below.
I did a lit of photos inside those caves but none of mine were good enough to have them shown on any of my social media channels. Probably the main reason why those photos were not good is the fact that I could not focus on any subject in any of the photo I took in there. Maybe I should have started to put people in the photo – it might have been a better story for the photo.
We circled once around the lake and ended up on top of this hill where we all took a few photos from that stunning view of the Swiss alps. I am really planning to get back there at night time when it is foggy. Imagine this photo with diffused lights over the city of Thun with some stars behind the mountain range – awesome!
Whish me luck on the planned photo! The best thing is that the location is only like 20 minutes driving from my place.

Photo Tip: Location of the Photo
If you want to know where I took this photograph, click the following link. Get there and enjoy the beautiful view!