The meaning of the Colors to all of us Color have an impact on us day by day. Colors influence people and the influence of color to every individual is different. Some people like blue better while other have a […]
Photography means writing with light There are different kind of light situations when shooting: Soft light Hard light I would like to tell you about the difference between the lights and what it means when taking pictures. The hard light […]
Mistakes I made The techniques I use to post process my pictures are different and I have acquired them over years. When I started doing HRD processing I made many mistakes! Also I never took a course in Image post […]
Composing Composing is not an easy a topic to write about! If you search the web for composing tricks, you will find tons of information out there what not to do… I personally think that you should forget about the […]
What is an ISO value? Shooting pictures in the dark without a tripod is not that simple. Depending on what you want to do, there is still the option about plying with the F-Stop. If there still is not enough […]