It seems like almost everybody I know already went to Prague! There are a lot of cool buildings with the interesting architecture. But not only for this reason I would recommend a trip to Prague – it is also the food! And of course, all the different beer flavors! This is fun!
There is nothing you can do wrong in Prague, just ask at the reception of the hotel what to go for. Lots of nice places to see also attracts lots of people to come. This is also the town’s landmark!
Photoshop Trick:
How often have I waited for people to walk away to take a photograph without anybody in there? Too many times! I think I shared a short video about how to remove one person. What am I doing if there are multiple groups?
It is simple! Make sure the camera is on the tripod. Then take between 10 and 15 photographs. Make sure that all the people in the photos are moving. In Photoshop, now go to “File -> Scripts -> Statistics” and choose “Median” as a Stack Mode. Load all the photos you took and boom-shakalaka!