I took this photograph during sunrise – of course it was because of jet lag and I was in the US. When flying to east coast, 6am is noon in Switzerland and this is the reason why I am always up early in the morning.
Photo Tipp while taking photos right after sunrise or before sunset
When the sun is just before to hide behind the horizon during sunset and I am shooting directly into the sun, I post process my photos in HDR. My camera is in bracketing mode. It is also in A-Mode. With this setting, my Nikon D750 does not change the F-Stop I chose for the situation. The exposure value within between the photos is not being regulated over the shutter speed.
Another thing I do when shooting directly into the sun: -3, 0, +3.
If the plus 3 photo is too bright, I use the aperture compensation on the camera to dial it down by 1. The final result will be -4, -1, +2.