I was planning to go to the top of the hill where the N Tower is located at. I saw some nice photos form up there when looking Seoul up in the web.
We had to queue for a very long time until finally they let us op to the hill (this is another good photograph by the way that can be seen on my social media channels Facebook and Instagram).
At this point I would like to thank my friends from Seoul to join me to the top of the hill. I have enjoyed the beer and of course also the good photographs taken from up there!
If I will make a calendar, this is one of the chosen ones for 2020!

Nikon Hint – personal remark
I do not have a remote shutter control yet for my Nikon Z7. But I will buy one soon. On the last exhibition I was asking Nikon to explain me the Z7 – I am a little lazy to read thru the manuals or look it up on youtube. One of the questions I had was about an RC for the camera. They told me to take the cell phone and download the Nikon app.
Back home I configured everything and tested it. Out in the field it was not really useful due to the disturbing light coming from the cell phone.