[fancy_header type=”3″]New York’s rain reflection[/fancy_header]
Here I start my big US Tour. I call it from “New York to San Fran Francisco”. It was pretty cool to see all those places again! I go pretty often back to the same location to see it in different light. Sometimes it is just another time of the day or like at this trip, another time of the year.
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When I arrived in New York I was kind of disappointed because it rained. Taking photographs while it rains is not much fun, especially not when you are traveling alone. When you not travel alone, make sure to bring an umbrella so you can manipulate the camera and the other can hold the umbrella for you so you have shelter and the camera does not get wet. Once you are finished shooting, simply switch tasks.
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I stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn close to Times Square in NYC. I took an early walk to take the photographs in this post.
With me on this trip was my A7R and the 24-70mm lens. For this situation I put my camera into “M” mode. And chose an F-Stop of 7.1 and a shutter speed of 1/250 sec. The ISO was put on manual too. I had enough time to readjust the camera Settings.
When walking around there I felt satisfied because the rain stopped and there were awesome reflections because of the water in the ground. There is an Adobe Lightroom trick that can be used to make wet ground, but the real stuff just looks better!
#fromNewYorktoSanFrancisco #beatdietsch #lightsandbytes