Adjust the combined Photographs
This is where all the fun in Photomatix starts! With the sliders (see screenshot below) you can now start combing the bracketed photographs taken the way you like it.
[image_slider animation=”fadeInUp”]
[image_slide url=”” image_url=”” lightbox=”true”]
Whenever you load new bracketed photos into Phtomatix, the software automatically brings up the settings you used last time for the HDR image.
There are many different processing algorithms and methods to give your photograph a unique look. Just play with all the sliders a little bit, you cannot mess up anything. In case you do not like it, you can always go back by using the keyboard combination [CTRL + Z] or restart from the beginning by clicking the button that says “Method Defaults”.
If you do not know what a specific slider does, simply hover over it and you will get a short description at the very bottom. I never know what all the slider do, so I simply start playing with all of them; I move the corresponding slider all the way to the extreme right and left to see the effect in the HDR Image.
[image_slider animation=”fadeInUp”]
[image_slide url=”” image_url=”” lightbox=”true”]
The adjustment of the slider automatically make the changes in the main window visible. Just adjust the slider based on your liking of the image. Once you are done, select the “Apply” button over at the adjustments panel to create the image.