Google has announced that NIK software is available to download for free now. Just check the following website to download NIK Collection:
I do not really know what my thoughts are about the free NIK software collection. Well fist it is really great that I can use NIK software, especially the Sharpener, for free now. On the other hand, I used to study software and economics and I know if there is no money, there will be no further development of the software… Also, most probably the support will be discontinued too…
Since I have recorded the video posted here, I have started adding NIK Collection to my post processing workflow. I have to say that this software component is very cool! The sharpener is absolutely beautiful as already mentioned!
I took a look at the ColorEffex Pro too and those Options there are really interesting too, but I do not think that I will be using them permanently. I already have my own tricks I use inside Adobe Photoshop to give the images its final touch.