When I was driving thru Czech Republic, I visited a castle where I by the way took about 500 photographs…
Here is one I took and turned it into Black and White. I love Black and White photography because it gives a dramatic view to the photograph.
To take this photograph I had to hurry a little because there was the next tourist group walking my way into the photograph. But I managed to get the photograph without anybody in there!
BTW: Do you see the little ghost on the railing in the photograph?
When I was there they were planning a pre-Halloween event. They had Dracula hired to come out of his grave!

Lightroom Tip:
For the Black and White photos I often increase the “Clarity” slider within Adobe Lightroom. Usually, I dial the slider back when I think that the photograph looks good – otherwise my photos look a little overcooked!
Also consider to apply clarity partially in the photograph – leave out the blurry part of it!