Here is another photograph I took in San Francisco.
This time I was on a ferry leaving San Francisco to Larkspur go see my friends. For this photograph, my usual camera settings (A-Mode and bracketing) do not work. For photographs where I do have movement everywhere, I choose the settings as follow:
Camera Mode: Manual (M)
F-Stop: 7.1 and above
Shutter speed: As low as you can. 1/1250 of a second for this picture
ISO: Auto
If I have enough time, I set up the ISO manual. But at scenes like this, I let the camera calculate the corresponding ISO value.
If objects like cars are moving, that is bad for an HDR photo. But if you are moving as well (like being on a boat in this photo) that is even worse. Those kind of photographs taken for instance from a boat or helicopter are being post processed only by Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop.
The image post processing workflow is the same. I start in Adobe Lightroom and instead of exporting it to Photomatix, I will directly go to Adobe Photoshop.