Welcome to the city of Bern! If you have never been to Bern, you should jump over to my social media accounts – there is a series I call “The Highlight of Bern” going on now on Facebook and Instagram.
One part was a black and white series of photos I took during the lockdown here in Bern city.
I like taking photos and turning them into black and white! Especially old architecture goes rather good with black and white. As you may know, I live in Bern and there is a lot of locations to take no-color photos – there are a lot of old buildings and cathedrals. I can walk the city within 10 minutes but if I want to see all the things there are, it takes about 2 hours. Imagine how long it will take when I want to take photographs during the two Hours.
If you want to see all the photos, check out my social media accounts above.

Lightroom Tip:
Before I turn my photos into Black and White, I make the photo look good in color. I think it makes a huge difference if I do that before turning it into no-color.