Recently, my tripod went AWOL, chased down a man and eat him! This is how dangerous those sneaky tripods can be!
I really do not get it – something like this has never happened before but people really think it will!
I was in NYC and Chicago when security walked up to me and said that there was not tripod allowance. When asking why, I was given the answer that I was blocking the sidewalk.
Well, there was a streetlamp right next to me. Of course the streetlamp then moved with me since it was blocking the sidewalk as well…
Tripod Tipp:
There is nothing you can do about it!
I once took the camera off the tripod and started balancing it on the railing. Security said that this is even more dangerous, so I answered in the affirmative and told them it is not on the tripod anymore. Of course they did not like it either…
Get back the next day; the chance you are running into the same security guard is relatively small.