This is one of the most stunning place I have ever visited so far when it comes to colorful landscapes! There is nothing you can do wrong in Iceland! Even as a non-photographer you will bring home extraordinary photographs, I promise you this.
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There are some rules in landscape photography that should be followed if you want to have success, like never center an object, never center the horizon or always shoot around sunrise and sunset etc..
About one year ago I was giving a presentation about innovation and what innovation means to me. There I said that one characteristics of being innovative is to break the rules. Why would I want to follow the rules of photography? If it works, then it works!
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At some point I have to agree that maybe the rules really are the rules. The best time of the day to take landscape photographs are to be taken either dusk or dawn. I have tried to take landscape photographs during the day and have to admit that this rule is a little harder to break. I would say that 9 out of 10 landscape pictures taken are circling around either sunrise or sunset.
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Now, go and take photographs and break the rules!
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