Subway Entrance in Monteal
Montreal has a lot of awesome looking subway stations – and this is one of them. I was walking Montreal with my camera and did not bring my tripod. It was day time and I figured not to bring it. […]
Montreal has a lot of awesome looking subway stations – and this is one of them. I was walking Montreal with my camera and did not bring my tripod. It was day time and I figured not to bring it. […]
In my last post, I showed you how to remove objects in photos with the “Spot Healing Brush Tool”. I think this is a very good tool and does a wonderful job! If there are a lot of people at […]
Whenever using Adobe Photoshop to change the look of a photograph, I try to be decent using the software. Decent meaning, I never add things to my photographs. There are software components out there that replace the sky automatically, but […]
Here is my first short video about how I post processed the photo I took at a broken pier in San Francisco. This is actually processed using Photomatix Pro – the old version. I bought a new laptop and there […]
I said this many times before that electricity and water do not get along. Nevertheless, sometimes it just rains when it is not supposed to. When I was in Hong Kong July 2017 the weather was really bad, it just […]
The Mavic Pro offers photo and video. It is obvious that my strength does not lay in the video part. I never did any video post-production the way I do it with my photographs… Of course I tried to make […]
This is part one of my blog post about the Mavic Pro. With this post I would like to start with the technology and what in my opinion the quadcopters advantages are. The first impression about the Mavic Pro is […]
I decided to write a blog post of the questions I most often hear from beginners in photography during my training lessons. What camera system should I start with? To me, it does not really matter what equipment you […]
Bring a ready camera I usually bring my camera to a specialist to have it cleaned and maintained once per year or whenever I think it is necessary. This includes the cleaning of the sensor. Sometimes I check for new […]
The answer to this question is California. I drove from Los Angeles to San Francisco when I took this photo. I really did not know that there was such beautiful landscape within between! It really felt like Namibia at one […]